Space engineers ship download free
Space engineers ship download free

space engineers ship download free

you are free to rebuild from scratch, save and edit a design if you do so via the ship designer, its separate to what you have been doing and is the games MAIN way of designing ships, you can look up a map for where this is on the wiki here: Ģ) upgrading the starter ship, this can be done with easy build mode, the tutorial teaches you this and doesn't involve making all the individual parts by hand and bolting them on. The game really need tools to help players create what they want and not force them for tedious labour instead.ġ) ship blueprints, you cant just get a copy of someones ship because these are protected. With current building system the making of additional 24 square blocks on existing starter ship already is not fun and when making large ship this will be getting to another level of insanity. And then using copy/paste of prefab when attaching to ship in easy build/creative mode. This is really tedious process and I already missed out ability of making prefab from pre-made block. As I started playing Starbase just recently and started investing time into heavily modifying starter ship few hurdles did appear on way.įirst, when coming from games like Space Engineers I instantly miss ability to create ship blueprint from the existing modified ship for cloning ship later.Īnd while upgrading starting flying frame (ahem, newbie ship) I realized I have to re-do every single step on each square block: manually welding each frame from multiple pieces, bolting multiple pieces of duct onto frame then bolting multiple pieces of plates for frame walls.

Space engineers ship download free